Additional Remarks

Volcanic Eruptions are in plain english
TORNADOS are in plain english
FUNNEL CLOUDS are in plain english
WATERSPOUTS are in plain english
PK_WND Peak Wind
WSHFT_time Wind shift and time
BINOVC Breaks in Overcast denotes a few, small clear patches in the overcast sky
TWR_VIS or SFC_VIS Tower or Surface Visibility
CIG Ceiling = lowest layer or height of VV
V Variable, i.e., BKN V SCT, VIS 2V3 (Visibility variable 2 to 3 miles)
LTG Lightning frequency and type
CG Cloud to ground
IC Intracloud
CC Cloud to Cloud
CA Cloud to Air
OCNL Occasional
FRQ Frequent
CONS Continuous
TSB or SNE or RAB Beginning/Ending of Thunderstorms/Rain/Snow (TSB, SNE, RAB, etc)
TS_LOC_dir Thunderstorm Location and direction
LOC_descr Location (N, NE, S, VC, OHD Overhead, ALQDS All Quadrants)
DIR Direction (N, NE, S, etc)
GR_size Hailstones and Size
VIRGA_dir Virga and direction
CB_dir Cumulonimbus or Cumulonimbus Mammatus (CBMAM) and direction.
TCU_dir Towering cumulus and direction
ACC_dir AltoCumulus Castellanus and direction
CLD_dir Standing lenticular or Rotor clouds and direction
PRESRR or PRESFR Pressure Rising or Falling Rapidly
SLP### Sea-Level Pressure
ACFT_MSHP Aircraft Mishap
SNINCR_amt Snow Increasing Rapidly and amount this hour
P#### Hourly Precipitation Amount
6#### 3-hour and 6-hour Precipitation Amount
7#### 24-hour Precipitation Amount
4/### Snow Depth on Ground
9#### Water Equivalent of Snow on Ground
Tsn###sn### Hourly Temperature and Dewpoint
T Temp
sn Type (0=above zero celsius, 1=below zero celsius)
### celsius temperature to nearest tenth of a degree
1sn### 6-Hourly Maximum Temperature
2sn### 6-Hourly Minimum Temperature
4sn###### 24-Hour Maximum and Minimum Temperature
The first three numbers=maximum temp to nearest tenth of a degree celsius
The last three numbers=mimimum temp to nearest tenth of a degree celsius
5a### Hourly Pressure Tendency
RVR/### Runway Visual Range in feet, will eventually be in the body
r runway, i.e., 31C, 21L
####ft Distance of visual range, like 6000ft, P6000ft (plus), m600ft (minus)